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The Powerful Attraction Factor of Pheremones

One of the things about men is the natural tendency to want to be a chick magnet. Of course, not everyone is born with the gorgeous good looks or the six pack abs. Not everyone has that animal magnetism or charisma that just naturally attracts. But, you might be interested to know that now the playing field has been leveled. If you have not been able to attract attention from females or are just bummed out because of not being able to get the boss' attention, there is help on the marketplace.

The help has to do with pheromones. Pheromones are chemical substances that are released into the atmosphere from a person's body that causes others to be affected in some kind of way. Animals have it to attract one another, and so do humans. Scientists have figured out a way to develop these pheromones into a product that can help men gain an edge or at least an equal chance on the social market. For men, the pheromones usually land in one of four categories: alpha (also called status) hormones, sexual attraction hormones, romantic hormones, and social hormones.

The first one is designed to raise the level of respect that men are looking for in the corporate world or workplace. It can really turn a man into one with leadership status. The sexual attraction hormones speak for themselves. They are designed to make the man more sexually appealing. The romantic hormones are not as aggressive and are used to help in falling in love and rekindling old flames. Finally, the last hormone is designed for social interactions, and are used to make one popular among people.

If these are the types of interactions you are looking for, visit the website or click here to read a Pherazone review. The Pherazone pheromone product is designed to give the user the benefit of experiencing the various types of hormones, as it is a potent blend of human hormones. One single spray of this product is designed to last up to eight hours, giving you just what you need when you are in the workplace. If you want to find out further, then click here for my favourite pheromone website.


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